Studio Two Three’s Annual Auction
Saturday, October 22, 2022, 6pm at Studio Two Three

Thank you for donating work to SALOON TWO THREE, Studio Two Three’s annual auction! 

This is our biggest fundraising event;  by donating work to our auction, you keep Studio Two Three going. Your donation provides a safe, inclusive and affordable studio space for artists. It gives scholarships to students and artists and amplifies voices for positive change in our community.

Studio Two Three is a community print studio and art space, founded in 2009. We believe in radical generosity and the power of community printmaking. Our mission is to empower artists to make art and make change. We strive for a world in which the power of art is willingly and joyfully harnessed for personal, social and systemic change.

***Please fill out the following form, which will serve as your auction artist contract. THANK YOU!!!