How to Make a Face Mask
Supporting our artist community is at the heart of what we do. Each day we’re going to be sharing some important tools, opportunities, and resources for artists on our blog. Follow along and reach out if you need additional support.
Today we are covering how to make a face mask!
This guide is following MCV’s call for masks, which you can find here.
*This mask was initially designed to fit over an N95 mask. We’ve modified the design to be worn directly on the face, with no N95

Fabric Straight Pins
Some Yards of Fabric (Tight weave 100% cotton, preferred)
Elastic (1/4” or 5/8”)
Scissors (Fabric or other clean pairs would work)
Paper for patterns
Sewing machine
Sewing Machine Thread
1. Print off template (multiple copies)
2. Lay out on cut fabric
3. Pin templates in place
4. Cut out templates
5. Set aside cut fabric
6. You need 4 pcs make 1 mask
7. Stack 2 pcs. (cut fabric) on top of each other. 4 pcs will make 2 stacks of 2.
8. Pin fabric in place.
9. Cut (2) 8in. Elastic pcs
10. Use one of the cut out templates- make 2 marks (For the elastic ends will go)
11. Put 1 pc of elastic b/n one stack of pinned fabric. (Elastic will create “c” shape)
12. Repeat step #11 to other stack of pinned fabric.
13. The cut ends of the elastic will meet @ the marks you made in step #10
14. Pin elastic in place > head to sewing machine
15. Set sewing machine on zig-zag stitch setting
16. Sew alongside elastic ends 5/8” from edge of fabric
17. Make sure to use REVERSE stitch at end & over each elastic end. Repeat for other pinned fabric.
18. Trim excess threads. Turn both stacks inside-out. Elastic will now be outside.
19. Both should look like this.
20. Place one on top of the other. Pin in place.
21. Join the pcs together using zig-zag stitch
22. Trim the excess fabric off.
23. Turn whole mask outwards
24. The seam should be inside- as you push mask
25. Mask is complete!
26. To sanitize your mask and any others you make, place in dryer on high heat for 15 mins.
YAY! You made a mask!
***You can deliver, or mail, your home-made masks to Studio Two Three between the hours of 10:00am and 3:00pm Monday - Wednesday beginning Monday, April 6, 2020.
We request that you please package your masks in 1-gallon ziplock bags and deposit them in the box outside of our main studio entrance.
We cannot accept masks made with patterned or pre-used fabric, please do not donate them.